Painting No. 125 - Awful House

7" x 5" - Oil on Canvas Board

Still trying to paint myself out of whatever it is I have gotten into. Not sure if it is stress or what. I have at least one more like this to post and then I think we are out of the woods. I was able to take a little trip last weekend and I think the 7+ day break on painting helped a lot. More this week.


  1. I love it! Are you selling this one?

  2. I was just able to post it to Etsy. Link is there below the photo now if you are interested. Thanks!

  3. Adam, I really like the way you captured the lighting. Nice job!

  4. Good job bro!! I think it looks great - and I love that you called it the "awful house" since that's our term of endearment for it :-)

  5. Thanks again. I had an idea to do a larger series of them. Like where each different WH got it's own painting. I thought it was a good idea but Leslie looked at my like I lost my mind.


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