Painting No. 81 - What's Inside

10" x 8" - Oil on Canvas Board

With No. 81 we now have three pomegranates and a bowl has been added into the mix. They look like they are slowly creeping up to the bowl to see what this strange object is.

I felt a little more at ease with this one but it was still disorienting to try and actually paint what I was looking at. There are hundreds of planes on the pomegranates and you have to leave things out in order to not make it look like a mess.


  1. Gorgeous!!! Chris is right, you have so hit your stride--and I LOVE all the Amelia Island ones. That's why I've had the beach on my brain :-). Nice work!!

  2. Indeed. I think we need a trip ASAP so I can do some "research" for next year!

  3. Hehe, yes!! All in the name of research!!! I'm all about that :-)


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