Painting No. 53 - Amelia Marsh

8" x 6" - Oil on Canvas Board

Number 53 takes us back to Amelia Island. This shot came from the same day/walk as number 36. I had struggled with 36 but this one felt a lot more natural. I was a little nervous trying this after just barely getting back into the grove but it just happened without a lot of hand wringing.

One thing I don't think I've mentioned is the fact that I am painting these into a "wet" canvas. Back with the sepia ones I was struggling with getting the paint to do what I wanted. I tried laying down a thin coat of Yellow Ochre that was super diluted with Liquin and it was like magic. This eliminates white spots in the painting and has made it so much more fluid to paint.

This one was done like that and you can still see a little bit of the ochre at the base of the clouds and in the sky. I've got another one from Amelia for tomorrow as well but it's a downtown shot.


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